Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An investigation into creation!

In any form of living or working, maybe especially if you work as a scientist, a writer, a painter, musician, dancer, sculptor, innovator, designer or you are expressing anything creatively, there is a great chance of getting lost.

What do I mean by saying that? Yes, I mean getting lost in the system of things. In the identity of things. Getting lost in the sense of blocking ourselves creatively by identifying strongly with our work. When we identify exclusively with our creative expression and separate it from the rest of us we are in conflict. If all your music or whatever creative medium you identify most with was taken and stepped on by the entire world. What
would you do?

There is a sense of deep integrity of pure beingness that does not depend on anything we do or create. A sense of standing alone, unattached in the face of the Great All. A daring to let it all go and let whatever is to be. This can, with great advantage, be applied in the creative process. To take the position of the observer in the creative process rather than the judge. This frees an enormous library of stuff that just spurts out like a fountain. You can tap into anything you desire and express it as only you are able to! It is also a great way to discover yourself and what you really are and what you are not, what is really you and what you are trying to imitate of the world.

It is easy to say these things, but not quite as easy to say how to do it. It seems that we are all inclined to figure this out for ourselves. There are some things that no one can teach you, not even the great masters. But you can be pointed in a direction, the right direction?

If you follow your feelings, and observe wether you feel good or bad (to simplify the emotional spectrum) you can navigate in your life and creative process in the right, or wrong direction. When there is great joy in creation, something wonderful is sure to be born from it!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Experience beyond mind

How do you describe or explain what you have experienced when it is beyond words, beyond the mind and beyond any comparison? How do you do that?

I guess for most of us we have not experienced or maybe just not paid attention to any extraordinary or fundamentally different experience. You can ask yourself, why? Is it not likely that there is within our reach of perception or experience something impossible for words to describe, or is language absolute and able to describe every human experience? I think most of us have had these kinds of moments or spaces where we find ourselves in loss for words to describe. Maybe in dreams, maybe in a moment where everything changes, where we glimps something unexplainable for the mind. Maybe we experience something radical but as our mind chattering is switched back on we try to categorize it, to systemize it and explain it in language terms. The experience then becomes something of the mind, something in your memory. It becomes the part of you which is continuous, attached, linear and building.

Learning or being pointed in a direction.

Concerning logical practical emotional experiences we are partially taught how they work, how we work, what it all means and how to relate to people, places and things. We are trained in social behavior and told repeatedly what is right and what is wrong. When it comes to these seemingly more fleeting experiences which appear in multitude in every human being there is not many people even keeping in awareness that there actually is present this perception without the logical analytical mind and actually it is difficult for the mind to remember these glimpses, perhaps because the mind has nothing to compare it with. Why? We simply do not share about this or accept it as real, or a fact. It is a fact. We do have these experiences, every one of us, but we do not pay attention to them. They do not fit into something we easily can identify with. For those who have pondered upon these experiences it still seems like no one else is having them so they feel strange. We do not want to be different so we ignore these experiences that we are having. There is nothing wrong with what we are doing and nothing should be different. This is simply an observation of what is taking place. Is it possible to pay better attention to these states of altered awareness and to develop a more sensitized perceiving of them? What would be the point of doing so?

Talking about it or keeping quiet

We are incessantly trained to talk about and share about the experiences that we are having. The platforms we are are standing on as we chose our angle is based on the rules and moral of the society we live in. We learn what fits and what is accepted by the general norm. From the knowledge of this sharing we filter our experience and give importance to what we are able to identify with, to what is accepted by our culture. There is a whole lot of feelings, images, sensations and thoughts in our experience that we are not paying attention to. They are simply being filtered away. When you start to pay more attention to the whole lot of impulses and ways of perceiving that is available to you in the moment, it it might still not be so easy to share with others about this. Firstly we might not have the words to describe it and more than often people will not understand what you are talking about. This is a rather lonely way to take and it is almost exclusively inward in silence and freed from the need to be projected to others through our ego. It is a way of silent investigation and enquiry into the nature of our behavior and the rules of the universe. When we do share about what we “see” we must be prepared for strange looks and judgements.

We can read and intellectually understand as knowledge the things we are talking about here, but to truly investigate it in ourselves, studying ourselves deeply, inwardly we can personally see these things and validate, understand or even disagree from our own experience. In this way we make the knowledge our own. Not just something we have gotten from someone else. This requires dedication to ourselves and curiosity to understand the world by understanding ourselves. It is not the easiest way to go and can often be quite painful, but at the same time greatly rewarding and enormously interesting.

For those of us who are interested in the perspectives of life as a whole, of the connection of all things and the movements and rules in the universe, studying ourselves deeply and inwardly can be as rewarding or more as going to space in a shuttle. To focus on these more subtle movements and, in lack of a better word, states through meditation, which I believe is nothing more then a focused and concentrated mind, we can observe the things that are available to us now and through cracking the codes we can become more sensitized to what is more subtle. It does not mean to live a crazy eccentric life, or to separate yourselves from your normal life, but it does mean to dedicate yourself to the truth as you experience it, not as you or others think it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

What is love?

What is love?

Love is something we all talk about and the word is more than well used. Perhaps this is why we seem to not fully be clear about what it means to us. What is love to you? It seems that as long as we keep on only discussing, talking, intellectualizing, analyzing, having opinions, agreeing, disagreeing and so on, we will always be in conflict. We will always feel confused

and lost in the mass of ideas, concepts, words, opinions etc. What happens when we do not cling to these thoughts, ideas, meanings? Is there a way of showing up, of being without relying on our thoughts?

Love or need?

People are discussing intellectually “what is love?”

Is there any way to find out intellectually what love is? How do we know for sure that it is love tha we are feeling? Is love simply a tickling sensation, pleasure, need, sex, beauty, desire? Who decides what love is? Did you experience love yourself? Are you clear about what it is? Can we separate love from ourselves? Can we isolate it and only develop it, alone, independently, only as a fragment of ourselves? Can you be taught by someone else how to love, or can someone else simply teach you how to act as one who is loving?

I guess the answers to these questions would be plentiful. People have storage rooms full of opinions about just this subject. It is complicated to intellectually, analytically become clear of anything when there are so many opinions, directions, schools, ideas, concepts etc. about love, what it is

and how you can attain it. Honestly, I do not really know what love is. It is as if this word cannot be used because it carries such a heavy luggage. All the information we are bombarded with concerning love and what it should be or what it should feel like when we are in it. I can recognize a multitude of love definitions in myself, but I cannot rest on them and stop my investigation because I am not satisfied with what I find.

Let us say that love is only desire. The desire for sex, the desire for safety, the desire to be close to someone, the desire for comfort, companionship, intimacy, stability, support etc. As far as seen initially, these desires are accepted as being part of love throughout our western popular world and beyond. These wants seems at first glance to be normal, standard and so integrated that they might even be invisible for most of us. Somebody asks you, why do you love you husband, wife or partner? You might answer, “Because he/she is a perfect match to me, he/she is generous, kind, beautiful, funny, easy to live with, that´s why I love my spouse”. Do we simply stop here, in our investigation about what love is? Is it as mentioned above only a satisfying of our desires? We love the people that fit our wants? Is it that shallow? Is it that conditioned? At this point in the presentation most of us would go “nooo, of course not!” and then dig for something deeper. Maybe something we have red somewhere, by some great wise person, but If we really take a look at ourselves honestly, thoroughly and inwardly I will guess that for most of us the list of desires governs a lot of our daily feelings, thoughts and actions concerning the people we say we love.

Is it possible to love unconditionally?

Have you experienced to be in a “mood” or state where you have felt wonderful, where you have been giving of yourself unconditionally, where you do not expect something in return but are able to see the other person for what he or she really is and love that person the way that person needs to be loved? We are very used to be demanding or expecting from others. We are in a state of want or lack, something must be given to us to make us happy, but if you take a look, the times when you experience that deep happiness, joy, love or whatever we call it is when you are giving. When you are giving unconditionally. You are full and it´s running over! Now when we have arrived here, at this point it seems that love cannot be separated from joy, happiness, passion or inspiration. They are all the same.